This blog is going to be about all sorts of things related to the little miracles that are our smallest children, but when WordPress prompted me to sum it all up, the term “conscious parenting” came into my mind.
I second guess a lot of my thoughts these days, as I have a pretty big case of “mom brain” .. but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that “conscious parenting” is a really good description of what I feel I have always been practicing. The term probably resonates for you, too, or you wouldn’t have found this website!
Here’s what WebMD says about “conscious parenting”:
“Conscious parenting calls for patience, understanding, and awareness. Most important, conscious parenting involves being intentional about the parenting decisions you make.”
We will be exploring all sorts of interesting subjects here on this blog, hopefully with some amazing guest bloggers as well as me chiming in from time to time!
I hope that this website helps you remember the miraculous nature of your little ones, as well as inspiring you, supporting you in your journey as a parent, and giving you support, smiles, ideas, and helping you to focus on what’s important as well as letting go of what’s not.
Parenting : the most important job we will ever have the privilege of doing.
May we rise to the occasion with joy and gratitude in our hearts!
your admin and host,
Laura 🙂